As with motor cars, boats are no different in that the engines require routine servicing and preventative maintenance, to ensure fault free and enjoyable sailing.
Stuart Marine offers a variety of comprehensive service routines to meet the requirements of all engines. These options range from routine maintenance to spring commissioning and winter decommissioning as per our customers request. All engine types are covered, from inboard, outboard and stern drives.
We also have Winter Lay Up Request forms and also a Service Request Form.
Our grouped packages as listed below and are all tailored to suit the requirements of your vessel.
Basic Service Schedule
includes the following:
- Replace fuel filters – recommended at least once per year to protect engine from water, sediment and other contamination sources.
- Oil & filter change – engine oil should be changed as mandatory at the start of every season. This will help prevent internal damage and shortened engine life.
- Commission – engine with serviced parts.
Gold Service Schedule
includes all in the Basic package plus: - Renew Transmission fluids – recommended every 2 years, the oil will be drained and checked for impurities etc and then new oil used.
- Freshwater Cooling system – to drain and replace engine coolant including antifreeze.
- Battery installation – inspect cables and terminals, replace as necessary, apply corrosion inhibitor.
- Tune – commission and tune engine.
Platinum Service Schedule
full out / in water service to include where applicable all in the Basic & Gold packages plus: - Vessels Electrical system – inspect, ensuring correct operation & charging etc.
- Anodes – replace as necessary.
- Sea Cocks – service and replace where necessary.